

2014-07-14 武太白英语教学

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Thought for the Day 20140626 - Rev Professor David Wilkinson

Is biting a defender 防守队员 worse than spitting at them, or indeed a manager head-butting 用头撞 a member of the opposition? Luis Suarez has seemingly done it again, provoking headlines of ‘Jaws III’, a storm of condemnation from a majority of pundits 专家 and the need for FIFA to act quickly for the sake of the World Cup.

(路易斯•阿尔贝托•苏亚雷斯(Luis Alberto Suarez),中文简称苏亚雷斯,乌拉圭足球运动员,司职前锋,现效力于英格兰利物浦足球俱乐部(已宣布将离队加盟巴塞罗那俱乐部)。)

If found guilty of biting Giorgio Chiellini, then Suarez faces a lengthy ban 禁赛. In a post-match interview Suarez said that ‘situations arise on the pitch’ and therefore there was ‘no need to make a story out of it’. Now, of course there’s always been a certain amount of dark arts in cricket 板球, rugby 橄榄球 and football, although Norman Hunter biting your legs was never a literal description.
苏亚雷斯咬基耶利尼之事一旦被证实,他将面临长久的禁赛处罚。在一次赛后的采访中,苏亚雷斯称,“球场上难免有这种情况”,所以就“没必要对此事小题大做”。当然,在板球、橄榄球和足球运动中,一直以来难免有盘外招的情况发生,尽管诺曼•亨特从来都不会真的“咬你腿”。(亨特的“咬你腿”外号源于1972年足总杯。他所在的利兹联队对阵阿森纳队之前,利兹联球迷打出的横幅“Norman bites yer legs”,著名足球运动员、俱乐部经理Brian Clough在赛前的电视访谈秀中又大谈特谈这一横幅——译注)

FIFA’s disciplinary proceedings will explore an infringement 违反of codes and then, if proven, how such infringement should be punished. Yet there is a bigger picture here than just whether certain actions cross the boundary of the outer edge of acceptability on a football field. And that picture is certainly bigger than maintaining the FIFA brand with corporate sponsors or a possible transfer to Barcelona.

The bigger picture is more about the spirit of a game, the way it respects laws rather than simply pushes them to the limit. It takes into account that behaviour influences the next generation, and that we have a responsibility for the legacy of a beautiful game.

Often sport can be a small window into our wider culture. It seems to me that there is a tendency to concentrate on the outer edge of the law, judging what is right or wrong by degrees, rather than seeing the principles at the centre – whether it be in the banking crisis or phone hacking 手机窃听 or tax avoidance. Jesus was often confronted with such a tendency. Some teachers of the law, so concerned with being right with God, drew circles of acceptability around what you should do on the Sabbath 安息日 or who you could eat with. By contrast Jesus was never concerned with those outer limits, he was more concerned to point to God’s love, mercy and justice as the source and inspiration of moral behaviour. He was also committed to the individual who needs help, as has been suggested for Suarez.

It is possible to try and shape behaviour by continually legislating, policing and condemning – and my own Christian tradition has not been immune from that. But I want a society which celebrates and promotes the bigger picture rather than just the limits of acceptability. Just because it’s not illegal, doesn’t mean that it is good. After all I want footballers who know not to bite opponents, rather than a world where it is compulsory that they wear gum shields 护齿.

